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Short Stories:

A wise man once said, "Stay a while and listen." 

Here you will find wild tales to thrill, chill, and excite you! 

"A Day in the Life of Rosa"

Most Hoblings are early to rise.

"Capt. Ian's Tales from the Dark"

”Well skin my scarp and call me a Fae but sugar I’m telling you this is what happened on that bright and joyous day” exclaimed a Straad with long blonde hair.

"Crizon's Night Patrol"

In addition to his normal nocturnal business, Crizon would patrol some of the nearby areas that were often neglected by the town guard.

"Dear Mom"

Dear Mom, I know you will never get to read this.

"First Encounter of the Lizard Kind"

”We’re not supposed to remember” my brother kept muttering to himself.

"From the Journal of Inari Aleida Ren"

Living out in the world as it is now, with the blight the strongest it has ever been, is all but hopeless for humans.

"Journal Entry #7"

The citizens of Aftermath are starting to realize that the heroes have failed them.

"Journal from Rosa"

The night of Trohsith 44 N.R. I will never leave my mind.

"Little Fighter"

People have been coming to this city for as long as I can remember.


Motion sickness washes over me.

"The Landing of the Feothans"

Long ago, before the Elven city was sealed away, there was a small family of Elven healers.

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